
In April 2021, Green Jiangnan notified the local environmental protection department of 164 suspected excessive emission companies, of which 48 responded in the month and 40 in the previous period. In April, a total of 3 companies were severely dealt with.


#Field Research#

Background: At the beginning of 2021, Green Jiangnan Public Environmental Concern Center (hereinafter referred to as Green Jiangnan) received clues about the source of pollution from villagers in Tianyu Town, Qingyuan District, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, saying that the ecological environment in Yangkeng of the town was polluted, affecting the surrounding natural ecological environment. Green Jiangnan staff conducted a field investigation on Yangkeng, Qingyuan District, Ji'an City.


Research progress:

On April 26, 2021, Green Jiangnan received a written reply from the ****** power plant on the rectification measures taken by the Green Jiangnan research report.


On April 29, 2021, Green Jiangnan received a reply from the Ecological Environment Bureau of Qingyuan District, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, and put forward requirements for the on-site rectification work of relevant enterprises, and tracked and supervised the rectification of the enterprise...


# Report release #

# Activity #

Garbage classification in the Suzhou area In April 2021, with the participation of 82 volunteers, 1,462 times of garbage classification in the community was lit up.


# Related Reading #

From the nuclear denuclearization of Fukushima nuclear wastewater in Japan?


So polluted, but still enjoy preferential tax policies and "high" honor


# Build the blue ecological chain #


By sending letters to enterprises and reporting violations to government departments, enterprises are encouraged to take the initiative to explain through the blue map, to achieve multi-party (environmental protection departments, enterprises, public) information and data sharing, multi-party interaction, build trust and realize the blue ecological chain. In April 2021, Green Jiangnan promoted a total of 1 enterprise and took the initiative to make a public statement due to its environmental problems.