

B.S. and M.S. degrees in Environmental Engineering from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) and Tongji University. Holds a legal professional qualification, a first class registered fire engineer, a registered safety engineer, and a CCAA greenhouse gas verifier qualification. With more than 22 years of professional experience in EHS and very familiar with China's EHS regulations, she is mainly engaged in consulting and training on EHS regulations, EHS compliance auditing and risk management, ESG management program and system establishment, EHS and ESG due diligence, soil and groundwater contamination hazard investigation and self-monitoring, site contamination investigation and assessment and treatment and remediation, energy auditing and energy saving diagnosis, carbon emission verification and management, etc. She covers many industrial fields such as chemical, pharmaceutical, rubber, electronics, machinery, mining, iron and steel smelting, paper, petrochemical, petroleum, and other industrial fields. Verification and management, fire safety audit, performance assessment of wastewater and waste gas treatment facilities, etc., covering a wide range of industrial fields such as chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, rubber, electronics, machinery, mining, iron and steel, smelting, papermaking, petrochemicals and petroleum.


Gui Shiqiao                

Undergraduate and graduate students in water supply and drainage engineering and environmental engineering at Tongji University. Possesses the title of senior engineer in the direction of environmental protection (vice senior), and possesses professional qualification certificates such as China Registered EIA Engineer, Registered Environmental Protection Engineer and Registered Safety Engineer. He has more than 20 years of experience in environmental protection, sustainability consulting and green supply chain management with internationally recognized companies such as MWH, CH2MHILL and Apple. Specific areas covered include: water conservation, industrial wastewater treatment system design and problem diagnosis, site environmental investigations, human health-based risk assessment of contaminated sites, soil and groundwater remediation, environmental safety and health (EHS) compliance audits, EHS management consulting, EIAs, EHS permit application consulting, innovation, design and implementation of sustainability programs, industrial hygiene, water fire protection system design, ESG consulting, etc.



With a professional background in environmental science and law, and rich experience in ecological and environmental litigation (environmental private interest, environmental public interest, and environmental law enforcement), he is often invited to give lectures for lawyers, judges, prosecutors, environmental law enforcement, and environmental legal capacity training for civil environmental protection organizations.


Zhang Xiuxiu                

LL.M. in Environmental Resource Protection, Fuzhou University; LL.M. in Environmental Law, Vermont Law School, USA. Executive Director of the Environmental Resources and Energy Specialized Committee of Huiye, member of the Administrative Law Practice Research Committee of Shanghai Bar Association. As a visiting professor of environmental resources protection law at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law and a part-time master's supervisor. She has represented many difficult and complex environmental resource disputes and organized many projects in key areas of environmental compliance, including ESG compliance consulting for Hong Kong Stock Exchange-listed companies.