From March to June in 2021, PECC will conduct on-site environmental research on 14 chemical industrial parks identified by the Jiangsu provincial government, including 4 along the coast and 10 along the river, namely Lianyungang (Lianyungang Petrochemical Industry Base), Yancheng (Dafeng Port Petrochemical New Material Industrial Park, Coastal Industrial Park in Jiangsu Binhai Economic and Technology Development Zone), Nantong ( Yangkou Chemical Industrial Park in Rudong County, Nantong, Chemical Industrial Park in Nantong Economic and Technology Development Zone), Taizhou (Taixing Economic and Technology Development Zone), Yangzhou (Yangzhou Chemical Industrial Park), Nanjing ( Nanjing Jiangbei New Material Science and Technology Park), Zhenjiang (New Material Science and Technology Park in Zhenjiang New Area), Changzhou (Changzhou Binjiang Chemical Industrial Park), Jiangyin (Jiangyin Port-surrounding Chemical Industrial Park), Suzhou (Jiangsu Yangtze River International Chemical Industrial Park, Jiangsu High-tech Fluorine Chemical Industrial Park, Chemical Industrial Park in Taicang Port Economic and Technological Development Zone).


In this field investigation,PECC took more than 3 months to initially complete the field environmental investigation of the 14 chemical parks identified in Jiangsu with the help of high-tech means, new perspectives and innovative working methods. And so far we have submitted 14 environmental research reports and 14 relevant videos to the local ecology and environment departments. PECC works with the concept of finding problems in order to better solve them, and maintains close cooperation with local ecology and environment departments with the concept of synergy and shared governance, especially providing assistance in the identification and prediction of environmental risks to the ecology and environment department where the chemical park is located.


After PECC issued 14 research reports, we received replies and face-to-face communication from the management committees and ecology and environment departments of many chemical parks.


From July to August in 2021, Jiangbei New District Branch of Nanjing Ecology and Environment Bureau have repeatedly called PECC for communication and feedback on the latest processing progress.


On August 23rd, 2021, PECC received documents from Jiangbei New District Branch of Nanjing Ecology and Environment Bureau.


The following is the reply of Jiangbei New District Branch of Nanjing Ecology and Environment Bureau:


At present, this reply is one of the most pragmatic and exemplary replies PECC has received!


Through long-term observation and attention to the environmental performance of enterprises in chemical parks nationwide, PECC hopes to strengthen cooperation with local ecology and environment departments to jointly promote the high-quality, green and sustainable development of each chemical park.