On May 13th, 2018, Lvse Jiangnan Public Environment Concerned Centre found a large area of landfill in Shizhuang, Jiangyin. The stench of the domestic garbage was foul-smelling, mosquitoes and flies were breeding, and the landfill leachate had penetrated into the nearby farmland. The on-site situation is shown in the following pictures:

The on-site picture of the landfill

The on-site picture of the landfill

PECC reported it on the scene through Weibo, and reminded @Wuxi Post and @Jiangyin Post and @Jiangyin Environmental Protection.

Report on Weibo


On May 25th, @Jiangyin Environmental Protection replied: Jiangyin Environmental Protection Bureau attached great importance to the problem of the landfill in Shizhuang City, Jiangyin City reflected by PECC and rushed to the site for mediation as soon as possible. After verification, a rectification plan was formulated. The landfill has been closed and rectification will be carried out in 6 steps to further investigate the hidden environmental dangers of the garbage dump, and we will formulate a rectification plan, and organize and implement it gradually. The specific reply is as follows:

This project called “Virtuously Cooperate with the Government to Control Environmental Pollution” is a project of Blue Defenders

Thanks to Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology (SEE) for its financial support. The content and opinions in this article only represent the author’s personal views and have nothing to do with the position or policies of SEE.